Motocross and A Whole Lot More

Category: Holiday

Happy Birthday America

What a beautiful, quiet start to the day, coffee in hand, sitting on the porch swing. The birds are chirping and singing; the chickens are cackling, and Daisy is calmly taking it all in.

American Flags

Happy Birthday America

I have often been asked why we don’t move closer to my place of work, why drive the 500+ miles a week? It’s because I really like where we live. It’s mornings like this that make me smile and thank God that Linda and I were given the opportunity  to purchase this land in 1987. The opportunity to change this plot of Earth from an empty field, to a home that we could raise our two children on.

That was the same hope men and women had when they started sailing to this continent many years ago. It was the same hope men and women had when they started west in covered wagons. They just wanted their own little spot on Earth to call home.



A Time To Remember

Thank you to all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in protecting the freedoms we have here in the United States of America.  Freedoms that many on this planet do not enjoy. Freedoms that many take for granted. Memorial Day is not a day of celebration, it is a day of remembrance.  A day that so many will never again have with their families and friends. So while you gather, while you mow your lawn, while you kick off summer with a trip to the beach; just take a moment to say thanks to those who are no longer with us and think of the lives, no linger with us, this day is for.

Rest in Peace Sailor, Soldier, Airman and Marine.

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