Motocross and A Whole Lot More

Category: Rural Life

Hello Mr. Bear

Spring has the critters moving and this bear is pretty interested in the bird feeder, (video 1) and the camera, (video 2).  He has been around for a few weeks now and I actually encountered him one evening outside our barn. He was joyfully munching away on the bird feeder he has ripped down from it’s “protected” spot hanging from the end of the barn rafter.  Still don’t know how he manged to get that one down. <head scratch> Anyway, we stared at each other for that frozen moment in time that seemed much longer than the 1.25 seconds that it actually was, before he ran off into the woods.

Well, now that we have him on film, it’s time to put the feeders away for the season.

Video 1That Feeder Smells Good

Video 2Time for your closeup

Winter Storm Skylar in Time-lapse

Another time-lapse with the Wyzecam.You can adjust the speed of the video by clicking on the gear at the lower right of the video.

The Fox

The video was taken with the Moultrie M-888 Game Camera. The date is off on the video by a month. It was actually captured February 6, 2018.  (Not sure how I missed that in the settings) I placed a dead, and frozen solid, squirrel in view of the camera in hopes of seeing some sort of activity.

Wyze Cam Time-lapse

Been playing around with our new $19.99 security camera from Wyze Labs and have to say that we have been pretty impressed so far with the device. Even with our pitifully slow DSL connection we are able to connect to the app and live stream the video.

The cameras are not weatherproof, so we are making sure to keep it under cover of some sort.

Still Going Strong

We’ve been told that the chickens will stop laying in the shorter, colder days of winter here in New England. We are in the midst of a pretty good cold spell now, and it doesn’t look to get above 15° for the next week. Nighttime lows have been sub zero with the barn getting down to 10 or 12 degrees.

So far the girls are earning their keep. The “easter-egger” breeds have slowed a bit, but we continue to get 14 to 16 eggs a day from 29 hens.

In order to help keep them warm, we give them scratch grains right before they are ready to roost for the night. The process of digesting the grains raises their body temperature.

Fresh Eggs Daily

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